
Howard W. Maxim lived from 1901 to May of 1982. He attended Middleborough public schools and graduated around 1919.  From high school, he went to college at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston and graduated as  an electrician. This, despite that fact that he lost his left hand in a hunting accident and was told that he could never become an electrician.

Howard came back to Middleborough and became a well driller for the town. He married Ruth Barden.

Howard also served the town as a member of both the Conservation Commission and the Fred M. Weston Property Committee. His work with the town government has helped to sustain the environment and natural resources in Middleborough and neighboring towns.

Howard’s professional work also helped to locate numerous water sources for the town of Middleborough, which helped it grow into what it is today.

In order to create a lasting impact in the community, he created the Howard W. Maxim Foundation with his estate, which at the time of his passing was worth over $500,000. In life, Howard carried with him the principles of grassroots aid, directly helping those who were financially struggling, the elderly and people in the disabled community. This Foundation today serves to offer scholarships to individuals majoring in STEM, and other “helping” majors, who also want to upkeep and improve our community.


Town of Middleborough Annual Report, 1982
First-hand oral history:  Anna-Maria Little and Paul Little

Annual Charitable organizations supported by the Howard W. Maxim Foundation Corporation:

Massachusetts Audubon Society
Manomet Bird Observatory
Middleboro Historical Society
Salvation Army
Mayflower Lodge AM & FM
Middleborough Council on Aging
Carver Council on Aging
Lakeville Council on Aging
Rochester Council on Aging

Friends of Middleborough Wappanucket Cemetery
First Congregational Church of the Green
Saint Vincent De Paul Food Pantry
Middleborough COA Food Pantry
Meeting House Church Food Pantry
Central Congregational Church Food Pantry
Middleborough YMCA
Narragansett Council BSA
Camp Norse Alumni Association and Museum

Contact Us

Our Board Members

  • Anders Martenson III, MD

  • Michael O’Shaugnessy, Esq.

  • Paul A. Little


College Scholarships

Grant Opportunities